
The EA InstituteCertification

The High Performing EA Certification is a designated credential badge earned by Executive Assistants and Administrators to verify their legitimacy and competence once successfully completing and passing the course. Participant’s certification is displayed as a formal electronic certificate and a certified badge that as a professional, they have been trained, educated, and have met a specific set of criteria for their role.

This statement is awarded only after participants have passed the proper assessments administered by The EA Institute, including a oral and written assessment.

Benefits of the High Performing EA Certification

Obtaining the High Performing EA Certification displays your dedication to your profession and provides verification that you’re well-trained to effectively manager and lead as a strategic business partner. Taking the time and effort to obtain this certification can show potential employers that you are a valuable contributor to your profession and help you gain recognition for your commitment to continuous learning and self-improvement. The top advantages of becoming a certified High Performing EA in your profession, include:
• Competitive advantage
• Earning potential
• Expand knowledge and skills
• Professional credibility

Competitive advantage
When you pursue the Certified High Performing EA, you are giving yourself a head start that your competition may not have. This can make you stand out among other applicants when looking for a job, and even be the determining factor in getting promoted over someone else. It’s important to seize every available advantage in today’s competitive market, this allows you to keep yourself up to date on advancements in the profession and to stay ahead of your competition.

Earning potential
Perhaps the most immediately coveted benefit of being a Certified High Performing EA is the increase you see in your earning potential. Not only will you be hired in a higher position (that comes with higher starting pay), but you can also look forward to receiving better raises and bonuses in the future, especially if you remain up to date with the certification’s renewals and new advancements in the profession.

Knowledge and skills
Making the effort to continue to grow your knowledge and skills can allow you to remain ahead of others in your field in terms of both expertise and efficiency. You can look forward to increasing your brand while you become an advocate and mentor in the EA community while continuously increasing the quality of your output and even inventing new methods, tools or processes that increase your value exponentially.

Professional credibility
Professional certifications are becoming increasingly valuable to employers, leading to many companies actually requiring certifications in order to be hired as an EA. Not only do they consider it a demonstration of your professionalism and adherence to the highest industry standards, but it also shows that you’re willing to keep learning. These qualities can help increase your professional credibility within your professional network, with your employer and in your industry as a whole.

The Certification Assessment 

Examination Outline Certified High Performing EA
This certificate is the benchmark for Executive Assistant proficiency. Upon successfully meeting the standards required in the examination the candidate is entitled to use the qualification CHPEA after his/her name and a badge of authenticity.

The Certified High Performing EA Examination is assessed over 2 sections:
1. Course participation – 50%
2. Final Assessment – 50% (Oral presentation – 25%, written assessment briefing – 25%)

The required pass mark is 80% in each section and 80% overall. The examination is assessed by training staff of The EA Institute Pty Ltd and authorised industry representatives.

Course Participation
Participants will be assessed on their overall participant and engagement. This includes:
• Monthly learning group catch ups – 5%
• Attendance of live training days – 20%
• Attendance of monthly Q&A sessions – 5%
• Submission of Leadership project forms – 15%
• Submission of monthly gameboards – 5%

Course participation counts to 50% of your overall assessment criteria. To pass this section, participants need to score 40% overall.

Final Assessment
The examination tests all facets of the High Performing EA Leadership Course and is divided into the following 8 key learning outcomes:
1. Communication
2. Critical thinking 3. Problem solving
4. Teamwork
5. Leading and developing people
6. Empowering others
7. Adaptive mindsets 8.Driving strategic results

Written Assessment Briefing
Your briefing document will serve as evidence of your results and impact. You will need to show evidence via examples of how you have demonstrated the 8 core learning outcomes. Your written briefing document counts to 25% of your overall assessment criteria. To pass this section, participants need to score 20% overall (80%).

Oral Presentation
Your presentation will demonstrate your ability to enrol and engage us where you will need to present via zoom to a panel of experts. Your oral presentation counts to 25% of your overall assessment criteria. To pass this section, participants need to score 20% overall (80%).

Retaining Your Certification

This certificate is the benchmark for Executive Assistant proficiency in Leadership.
As a Certified High Performing EA, for participants to keep their certification active, they must present evidence that they are giving back and leading the way personally and professionally. To do this participants will need to deliver a minimum of 7 hours of formal mentoring and 4 hours of informal mentoring over 12 months. Evidence will need to be submitted 30 days before their certification expiration date to remain certified and registered as a Certified High Performing EA. If participants allow their certification to lapse, and decide they would like to recertify they will need to resit the whole exam with an out of pocket cost to the participant.

Definition of formal mentoring hours*
• CHPEA Mentor
• TEAI Community Mentoring 1:1
• TEAI Community Group Mentoring
• Alumni Mastermind

Definition of informal mentoring hours*
• Public speaking
• Mentoring others professional (within your organisation) or personally (volunteering, sporting clubs that you might be part of)
• Sharing resources, templates and knowledge within The EA Institute community.
• Attending member events
• Motivating and encouraging other members
• Hosting Member Events

*These are subject to change and participants will be notified of any new additions to both informal or formal mentoring hours.
Upon successfully meeting the standards required to retain your certification the candidate is entitled to the continuous use of the qualification CHPEA after his/her name and a badge of authenticity.

Certification Assessments for Past Graduates

This certificate is the benchmark for Executive Assistant proficiency. Upon successfully meeting the standards required in the examination the candidate is entitled to use the qualification CHPEA after his/her name and a badge of authenticity.

The Certified High Performing EA Examination is assessed over 2 sections:
1. Leadership Mastery 50%
2. Final Assessment 50% (Oral presentation – 25%, written assessment briefing – 25%)

The required pass mark is 80% in each section and 80% overall. The examination is assessed by training staff of The EA Institute Pty Ltd and authorised industry representatives.

Leadership Mastery – As an EA Leader, you must present evidence you are giving back and leading the way personally and professionally. Participants will be assessed on their overall participation and engagement from a business context and/or as a community EA Institute platform. This includes:
• Sharing knowledge
• Public speaking
• Mentoring others
• Sharing resources
• Attending member events
• Motivating and encouraging other members
• Official CHPEA Mentor

Course participation counts to 50% of your overall assessment criteria. To pass this section, participants need to score 14% overall.

Resit Exam
The examination tests all facets of the High Performing EA Leadership Course and is divided into the following 8 key learning outcomes:
1. Communication
2. Critical thinking
3. Problem solving
4. Teamwork
5. Leading and developing people
6. Empowering others
7. Adaptive mindsets
8. Driving strategic results

Written Assessment Briefing
Your briefing document will serve as evidence of your results and impact. You will need to show evidence via examples of how you have demonstrated the 8 core learning outcomes in your role since graduating from the course. Your written briefing document counts to 25% of your overall assessment criteria. To pass this section, participants need to score 20% overall (80%).

Oral Presentation
Your presentation will demonstrate your ability to enrol and engage us where you will need to present via zoom to a panel of experts. Your oral presentation counts to 25% of your overall assessment criteria. To pass this section, participants need to score 20% overall (80%).

The Certification Guidelines

1. Ownership
a. The certification badge is the property of The EA Institute Pty Ltd and may not be used by any person other than in accordance with these rules.

2. Certificate
a. A certificate will be granted to an applicant who satisfies compliance in all respects with the requirements outlined at Rule 3 below.

3. Requirements for certification:
a. In order for an applicant to be certified and use the certification badge the applicant will need to successfully complete an initial assessment as well as meet ongoing criteria on an annual basis with The EA Institute Pty Ltd.
b. In order to apply for certification and to use the certification badge the applicant must have completed High Performing EA Leadership Course:
• The applicant must pass 1 oral examination, requiring a pass mark of 80%. The oral examination will be a business case presentation based on the Success Module and project outlined in the High Performing EA course, presented in front of a panel of approved certifiers of The EA Institute Pty Ltd consisting of no less than 2 and no more than 5 panellists.
• The certification is valid for one year. Renewal is based on a demonstrable commitment to increasing and maintaining administrative knowledge and leadership qualities. This will be monitored by staff at The EA Institute Pty Ltd by way of a resit exam.
c. It is the responsibility of the certified user to maintain her/his skills between assessments and the right is reserved to revoke certification at any time.
d. An applicant will be evaluated against the standards for assessment and issued with one of three results:
• Full Approved Certified Status (applicant meets the standards)
• Failed (Applicant has failed to meet the standards)
• Suspended (A previously certified user has failed to meet the standards)

4. Disputes and appeals
a. An applicant seeking reconsideration of a decision of an Approved Certifier must lodge a written request to The EA Institute Pty Ltd seeking reconsideration within 14 days of notification.
b. The original decision must be reviewed by an Approved Certifier and the grounds for the decision, as reviewed, must be provided to the applicant within 1 month of receipt by The EA Institute Pty Ltd of the written request for reconsideration.
c. An unsuccessful applicant may re-apply for permission to use the certification mark in relation to the services.

5. Approved Certifier
a. The examination is assessed by training staff of The EA Institute Pty Ltd and authorised industry representatives, known as Approved Certifier.
b. Approved Certifiers must have minimum industry experience of 5 years and written authorization from The EA Institute Pty Ltd.

6. Use of the Certification Badge
a. A Certified User may use the certification badge in relation to the services by placing it after her/his name and in no other manner
b. The certification badge may only be represented as follows: Certified High Performing EA (CHPEA)
c. In using the certification badge a Certified User must not alter or add to it
d. A Certified User may use additional badges in relation to administrative services, but other such badges must be clearly identified as separate from the certification badge and must not be used as to suggest any connection with the certification badge

7. Register
a. A register will be kept by The EA Institute Pty Ltd of Certified Users who gain accreditation after 1 December 2020 and will contain the names, addresses and dates of accreditation of such Certified Users and any other details considered by The EA Institute Pty Ltd to be necessary
b. The register will be made available for inspection during normal business hours at the office of the EA Institute Pty Ltd as listed.