The DREADED Work Wardrobe

Published on August 7, 2018 by Amanda Vinci

In our regular weekly team meeting here at The EA Institute, we were brainstorming ideas for what content we can create to add value to you and what will help you succeed. Part of our list that came up was ‘The Work Wardrobe’. Not surprisingly, we had a bit of contention about what this could mean, and what this could and should mean. Often, we are told our work wardrobe needs to be “smartâ€

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Healthy Boundaries as an Executive/Personal Assistant

Published on July 17, 2018 by Amanda Vinci

We've been given the gift of anger as an action signal emotion to let us know when our boundaries have been crossed but most people have never been taught what to do with it or allowed to act on the boundary violation, instead the emotion is suppressed in the moment, filling up the internal volcano of frustration that is destined to explode one day...

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Make Yourself 10 x More Efficient With This One Simple Step

Published on July 17, 2018 by Amanda Vinci

Have you ever been trying to arrange something, and you’d prefer to do it via email? My excuse was, ‘oh, I find it easier, as then details are all written down’ etc. But in reality, I just had an inexplicable reluctance to pick up the phone and start calling. So what makes people resistant and how do we overcome it?

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Digital Tone – The Basics You Need To Know

Published on July 17, 2018 by Amanda Vinci

Years ago, writing a letter was all about format (think date, name, address, ‘to whom it may concern’, etc). For emails however, it can be similar but it’s not just about where you say something, but how you say it. Have you ever put much thought into what you write in an email and how you write it? Some don’t, and it really shows. Others do, but don’t know where to start.

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